Hanuman Chalisa English Pdf : Shri Hanuman Chalisa in English with meaning; lyrics available for download in PDF, image, mp3/audio format.
Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics In English
Shri Guru Charan Saroj raj Nija manu Mukura sudhari
Baranau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu Jo Dayaku Phala Chari
Budheeheen Tanu Jannike Sumiro Pavan Kumara
Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehoo Mohee Harahu Kalesh Vikaar
Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar
Jai Kapis tihun lok ujagar
Ram doot atulit bal dhama
Anjani putra Pavan sut nama
Mahabir vikram Bajrangi
Kumati nivar sumati Ke sangi
Kanchan varan viraj subesa
Kanan Kundal Kunchit Kesha
Hath Vajra Aur Dhwaja Viraje
Kaandhe moonj janeu saaje
Sankar suvan kesri Nandan
Tej prataap maha jag vandan
Vidyavaan guni ati chatur
Ram kaj karibe ko aatur
Prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiya
Ram Lakhan Sita man Basiya
Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava
Vikat roop dhari lank jalava
Bhim roop dhari asur sanhare
Ramachandra ke kaj sanvare
Laye Sanjivan Lakhan Jiyaye
Shri Raghuvir Harashi ur laye
Raghupati Kinhi bahut badai
Tum mama priya Bharat-hi-sam bhai
Sahas badan tumharo yash gaave
As kahi Shripati kanth lagaave
Sankadhik Brahmaadi Muneesa
Narad Sarad sahit Aheesa
Yam Kuber Dikpaal Jahan te
Kavi kovid kahi sake kahan te
Tum upkar Sugreevahin keenha
Ram milaye rajpad deenha
Tumhro mantra Vibheeshan maana
Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab jag jana
Yug sahasra yojan par Bhanu
Leelyo tahi madhur phal janu
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahee
Jaladhi langhi gaye achraj nahee
Durgam kaj jagat ke jete
Sugam anugraha tumhre tete
Ram duwaare tum rakhvare
Hot na agya binu paisare
Sab sukh lahai tumhari sarna
Tum rakshak kahu ko darna
Aapan tej samharo aapai
Teenon lok hank te kanpai
Bhoot pisaach Nikat nahin aavai
Mahavir jab naam sunavai
Nase rog harae sab peera
Japat nirantar Hanumat beera
Sankat se Hanuman chhudavai
Man Kram Vachan dhyan jo lavai
Sab par Ram tapasvee raja
Tin ke kaj sakal Tum saja
Aur manorath jo koi lavai
Soi amit jeevan phal pavai
Charon jug partap tumhara
Hai parsiddh jagat ujiyara
Sadhu Sant ke tum Rakhware
Asur nikandan Ram dulare
Ashta siddhi nav nidhi ke data
As var deen Janki mata
Ram rasayan tumhare pasa
Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa
Tumhare bhajan Ram ko pavai
Janam janam ke dukh bisraavai
Antkaal Raghuvar pur jayee
Jahan janam Hari Bhakt Kahayee
Aur Devta Chitt na dharahin
Hanumat sei sarv sukh karahin
Sankat kate mite sab peera
Jo sumirai Hanumat Balbeera
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosain
Kripa Karahun Gurudev ki nayin
Jo shat bar path kare koi
Chhutahin bandi maha sukh hoi
Jo yeh padhe Hanuman Chalisa
Hoye siddhi saakhi Gaureesa
Tulsidas sada hari chera
Keejai Nath Hriday mahn dera
Pavan Tanay Sankat Harana Mangala Murati Roop
Ram Lakhan Sita Sahita Hriday Basahu Soor Bhoop
Hanuman Chalisa English Pdf Download
Shri Hanuman Chalisa in English With Meaning
॥ Stanza ॥
Shri guru charan saroj raj neej manu mukur sudhari ।
Baranu raghubar bimal jasu jo dayaku phal chari ॥
With dust of your lotus feet let me clean the mirror of my mind
and sing the glory of Lord Rama the one who gives the four achievements of life.
Buddhi heen tanu janike sumero pavan kumar ।
Bal buddhi bidya deu mohi harau kales bikar ॥
Consider me to be naive Lord Hanuman the son of ‘The God of Winds’.
Give me strength, wisdom, knowledge so that I can remove misery and other bad/wrong things from my life.
॥ Quatrain ॥
Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar ।
Jai kapis tihu lok ujagar ॥01॥
All hail Lord Hanuman ‘The Ocean of Wisdom & Virtue’.
All hail Lord Hanuman ‘The Monkey God’ the one who enlightens all three worlds.
Ram doot atulit bal dhama ।
Anjaani-putra pavan sut nama ॥02॥
You are the messenger of Lord Ram with incredible power & strength.
You are the son of Anjaani (mother of Hanuman) and ‘The God of Winds’.
Mahabir bikram Bajrangi ।
Kumati nivar sumati ke sangi ॥03॥
You are the courageous & fearless super hero.
You are the destroyer of evil & the companion/defender of good.
Kanchan baran biraj subesa ।
Kanan kundal kunchit kesa ॥04॥
You are the one having the perfect physique with golden shade & are neatly dressed
wearing earrings and having curly hair.
Hath bajra aur dhvaja biraje ।
Kaandhe munj janeu saje ॥05॥
You hold the thunderbolt and the ‘flag of good’ in your hand
and the sacred thread you wear across your shoulder looks great on you.
Sankar suvan Kesari nandan ।
Tej pratap maha jag bandan ॥06॥
You are the incarnation of Lord Shiva & are the orange colored joy & happiness.
You are loved & respected by the entire world for you good deeds and glory.
Bidyavaan guni ati chatur ।
Ram kaj karibe ko aatur ॥07॥
You are the most knowledgeable, you are the most ethical with high moral standard & the wisest of all
and are always ready to do Lord Ram’s work.
Prabhu charitra sunibe-ko rasiya ।
Ram Lakhan Sita maan basiya ॥08॥
You enjoy listening to Lord Ram’s life story.
As you always think about Lord Ram, Sita (Ram’s wife) & Laksham (Ram’s younger) they find a place in your heart.
Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava ।
Bikat roop dhari Lank jarava ॥09॥
You found Sita in Lanka & appeared in front of her in the miniature form of yourself
but then switched to aggressive mode burning down the entire Lanka by yourself.
Bhim roop dhari asur sahare ।
Ramachandra ke kaj savare ॥10॥
You took the form of a powerful gigantic warrior killing all demons
and accomplished the task assigned to you by Lord Rama.
Laye sanjivan Lakhan jiyaye ।
Shri Raghuvir harashi ur laye ॥11॥
You brought the Sanjeevani herb which was very difficult to get & saved the life of Lakshman (Ram’s brother).
Hence, Lord Ram’s heart was filled with joy & happiness.
Raghupati kinhi bahut badhaee ।
Tum mam priye Bharat-hi-sam bhai ॥12॥
Lord Ram praised you a lot for the life saving act
& said that you are equally dearer to him as that of his brother Lakshman.
Sahas badan tumharo jas gaave ।
Asa-kahi Shripati kantha lagave ॥13॥
Your success & glory will be praised & sung by millions of people
and saying so Lord Ram embraced you whole heartedly.
Sankadik brahmadi munisa ।
Narad-sarad sahit ahisa ॥14॥
The sages and the saints, Lord Bramha, Narad Muni,
Saraswati, Sheshnag along with all other gods sing your glory.
Jum Kuber digpaal jaha teh ।
Kabi Kovid kahi sake kahan teh ॥15॥
Yam, Kuber, Digpal
poets and scholars all praise you & sing your glory.
Tum upkar Sugreevahi keenha ।
Ram milaye rajpad deenha ॥16॥
You helped Sugreev (The Monkey King)
by introducing him to Lord Ram which further helped him regain his kingdom.
Tumharo mantra Vibhishan maana ।
Lankeshvar bhaye sab jag jana ॥17॥
Vibhishan (brother of Ravan) followed your advice
& benefited from it as the whole world knows what happened to Lanka thereafter.
(Ravan was defeated & killed by Lord Ram & Lanka was burned down to ashes killing all the demons)
Yug sahastra jojan par bhanu ।
Leelyo tahi madhur phaal janu ॥18॥
Sun which is sixteen thousand miles away from earth
you flew & sallowed him thinking it to be a fruit because of your incredible power.
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahi ।
Jaladi langhi gaye achraj nahi ॥19॥
Carrying the ring of Lord Ram in your mouth
no wonder that you crossed the ocean with ease because of your power.
Durgaam kaj jagat ke jete ।
Sugam anugraha tumhre tete ॥20॥
You are the greatest difficult task master
& hence all difficult task become easy by your divine intervention.
Ram duwaare tum rakhvare ।
Hoat na adyna binu paisare ॥21॥
You are the guardian of Lord Ram’s kingdom
& hence no one can enter it without your permission.
Sab sukh lahe tumhari sarna ।
Tum rakshak kahu ko darna ॥22॥
By your blessing I shall enjoy all the happiness in my life.
As you are my protector why should I fear anyone.
Aapan tej samharo aape ।
Teenho lok hank teh kanpe ॥23॥
You are the only one who can control your own power.
When you roar all three worlds shake with fear.
Bhoot pisaach nikat nahin aave ।
Mahabir jab naam sunave ॥24॥
No ghost or evil spirit shall come near me
as I take your name O super brave Lord Hanuman.
Nase rog hare sab peera ।
Japat nirantar Hanumant beera ॥25॥
All diseases & pains are destroyed & eradicated
as one keeps on chanting your name continuously.
Sankat se Hanuman chudave ।
Man karam bachan dyan jo lave ॥26॥
Lord Hanuman you rescue anyone from difficult situation
when the person meditates & invokes your name whole heartedly.
Sab par Ram tapasvee raja ।
Teen ke kaj sakal tum saja ॥27॥
Though Lord Ram who is hailed as the king/master of all devotees in penances
yet you are the one who is Lord Ram’s care taker.
Aur manorath jo koi lave ।
Soee amit jeevan phal pave ॥28॥
Anyone who comes to you with a request to fulfill his wish or desire
it is always fulfilled by you in the best possible way (given the fruit of life).
Charo yug partap tumhara ।
Hoee parasiddha jagat ujiyara ॥29॥
Your glory is praised in all four ages & you are well known across the world.
Sadhu sant ke tum rakhware ।
Asur nikanandan Ram dulare ॥30॥
You are the saviour & guardian of all sages & saints.
You are the destroyer of demons & the dearest one of Lord Ram.
Ashta-sidhi nav nidhi ke daata ।
Asabar deen Janki mata ॥31॥
You are the giver of eight supernatural powers & nine types of devotions.
You can do so as you were blessed by your mother Janaki with it.
Ram rasayan tumhare pasa ।
Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa ॥32॥
You have the ‘essence of devotion’ for Lord Ram.
May you always serve Lord Ram.
Tumhare bhajan Ram ko paave ।
Janam-janam ke dukh bisrave ॥33॥
Devotion to you reaches Lord Ram OR is as good as devotion to Lord Ram.
It makes one forget or frees him from sorrows & pains for all his lives.
Anth-kaal Raghubar pur jaee ।
Jaha janma Hari-bhakht kahaee ॥34॥
After dying one goes to the eternal humble home of Lord Ram.
& is reborn as earth a devotee of Lord.
Aur devta chitta na dharaee ।
Hanumanth se he sarba sukh karaee ॥35॥
I am not worshiping any other god
as I believe that worshiping you itself will give me all the happiness I need.
Sankat kate-mite sab peera ।
Jo sumire Hanumat balbeera ॥36॥
All the suffering are destroyed & pains are removes
if one remembers or invokes or worships Lord Hanuman.
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman gosaee ।
Krupa karahu gurudev ki naee ॥37॥
All hail Lord Hanuman.
Please bless me & be my guru.
Jo sath baar paath kar koi ।
Chuthee bandhi maha sukh hoee ॥38॥
Anyone who recites Hanuman Chalisa hundred times
will be free from all negative shackles of life & will be happy ever after.
Jo yaha padhe Hanuman Chalisa ।
Hoye Siddhi Sakhi Gaurisa ॥39॥
The one who recites Hanuman Chalisa
will be blessed with positive spiritual powers as promised by Lord Shiva.
Tulsidas sada Hari chera ।
Keeje nath hridaye maha dera ॥40॥
Tulsidas who always wants to be the servant of Lord prays
& asks him to stay in his heart forever.
॥ Stanza ॥
Pavan tanay sankat harana mangal murti roop ।
Ram Lakhan Sita sahit hriday basau sur bhuup ॥
Lord Hanuman the son of the ‘The God of Winds’, the destroyer of all difficulties, the one who is auspicious.
You along with Lord Ram, Laksham & Sita stay in my heart forever.
॥ Hail the Lord ॥
Bol Bajarangabali ki jai ।
Pavan putra Hanuman ki hai ॥
Jai Shri Ram ।
Say, All Hail Hanuman.
All Hail the son of ‘The God of Winds’.
All Hail Shri Ram